Online Workhsop (24.01.2021, 18:00—21:00 AEDT)
As an Iyengar Yoga practitioner you may know that to boost vitality, inversions are required, be they supported or unsupported. On this aspect alone there are many considerations, options and choices to be made based on your personal situation.
For example, where you live, and the current season where you reside. The time of day you are practicing, your age, your current state of health, your type of occupation, active or inactive, your constitutional make up, your level of experience and understanding. All of these variables are important considerations.
Based of the above, and more, I wish to share with you my experience and insight gained from practicing and living yoga for the past 4 decades. How to approach boosting the immune system and create more resilience against disease, and stress. This is how we can apply the practice of yoga to enhance peace and wellbeing within ourselves in such challenging times.
Props Requirement
1 Mat, 2 Blocks, 2 Belts, 4 Blankets,1 Bolster, 1 Chair.
Folded blankets can be used to substitute for a bolster. Improvise where you need to and how you see fit.